It’s that time of year again! Happy New Year! Many of us choose to set a “resolution” for the new year, yet by the time March rolls around that resolution is out the window and we are back to old patterns! Use these tips to make those resolutions count.

1. Reframe the word “Resolution”. A resolution means you are resolving to make a change. That may put a lot of pressure on yourself. Reframe the word in your mind to “goals” or “accomplishments” and it doesn’t seem as much pressure to be “all or nothing”.

2. Make your goals measurable. A measurable goal allows you to break it into parts and can allow you to revisit it and adapt as needed. Saying “I’m going to work out everyday” is harder to achieve than “I want to walk 3 miles in 6 weeks”. You will be much more likely to achieve a measurable goal.

3. Don’t go “all in” on your workout or weight loss goals! This is the number one reason people stop going to the gym come February. Everyone wants to start the new year off right and counteract the gluttonous holidays. Unless you’ve already been going to the gym daily or exercising regularly, your body is not ready to work out daily. Start with 2-3 days per week and work up to daily over the course of 8-12 weeks. Break your workouts up into 15 min increments until you can do 1 hr consistently. Ease into it. Your body will thank you, and you’ll be more likely to still be at the gym come May.

4. Think about the “reason” behind your goals. There is probably a deep seeded pattern that has been ingrained in you as to why you haven’t accomplished that goal yet, or if it’s a goal you keep trying to do and find yourself unable to make long term change. Whether it’s about your financial health, emotional health, physical health or nutrition: open yourself up to the “why”. Hint: look to how you were raised and what that felt like for you. Are you trying too hard to Not be like that, or are you trying too hard to be like that. Usually once we figure out why we feel a certain way or why we fall back to an unhealthy pattern it will help us develop long term change.

5. Set yourself up for success. Find a group of supporters. You only want people who will uplift you to help you achieve your goals. Reach out to others that have a similar goal and work together to accomplish it. Or only tell people who will support you about your goals. Sometimes this may be reaching out to a therapist or health care provider. If someone is criticizing you, they don’t belong in your circle for this goal.

6. Most importantly: Believe in Yourself! If you don’t think you can accomplish the goal, then you won’t do it! Meditate, visualize, journal, set alerts on your phone, etc. Set up constant reminders that tell you that you can do this! Because you CAN! You just need to put your mind to it.

You got this! Need help setting up your goals for the new year? Oakland Sports Chiropractic can help! We do more than just chiropractic care. Health coaching, massage, movement evaluations and workout designs can help you accomplish anything! Wishing you all a happy and successful 2024!